Slovenia: Kozjanski Park
Site fact file |
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... | A representative of the PUBLIC INSTITUTION OF KOZJANSKI PARK | |
Bernard GORSAK |
Country | Slovenia |
Natura 2000 site location | Kozjanski Region |
Nearest major urban settlement | Celje |
Natura 2000 site name | Kozjanski Park |
Natura 2000 site number | SI 3000138; SI 3000268; SI 3000273; SI 3000274; SI 5000022 |
Size of site (hectares) | 19.600 (Kozjanski Park), 7650 (022), 2400 (274), 3980 (273), 40 (138), 80 (268) |
Site classification / description | Kozjanski Park is an IUCN category V protected area - a Regional Park. It measures about 200 sq. km. and it was founded in year 1981 with the proclamation of the law by the Parliament. The Center is in small medieval village Podsreda. Public Institution of Kozjanski Park established very strong connections to the locals (10.000 totals) and it represents very significant part of cultural and social life of the area. Park is very rich in natural and cultural heritage; there are no heavy industries or any others activities, which would have negative influence on protected area. There's not a lot of soil adequate for farming, a major part of surface is covered by forests. Most significant is a mixture between three macroregions: subalpine, illyric and subpannonian. This results in heterogeneous plant and animal composition (3/4 of Park's surface is proclaimed as Natura2000). Climate is continental, average precipitation is approx. 1100 mm/sq.m. Highest mountains are about 1000 meters high, there is also lowland around Sotla River. On mountains beech forest dominates, there are also some Karsts areas. Geological composition is very colorful, some rare minerals can be found. Soil is basic (limestone), there is no knowledge for presence of acidic soil.Park is responsible for the implementation of national nature conservation legislation. Members of the Park's staff are: ethnologists, historian, landscape architect, geologists, biologists, geographer, agriculture expert, economist etc. Till now, many projects in the field of nature and culture protection were successfully completed (Life, Interreg, Phare ..). |
Key Habitat types | 8310 caves, 91K0 Fagus sylvatica, Aremonio-Fagion, 9110 Luzulo-Fagetum (138); 8210, 6210(*) Festuco-Brometalia, 91K0 Fagus sylvatica, Aremonio-Fagion, 9110 Luzulo-Fagetum (273); 6510 Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis, 6410 Molinia spp. (Molinion caeruleae), 6210(*) Festuco-Brometalia, 91K0 Fagus sylvatica, Aremonio-Fagion, 9110 Luzulo-Fagetum (274); 91L0 Erythronio-Carpinion, 91K0 Fagus sylvatica, Aremonio-Fagion, 9110 Luzulo-Fagetum (268) |
Key Species types | Cucujus cinnaberinus, Morimus funereus, Rosalia alpina, Austropotamobius torrentium (274); Rhinolophus hipposideros, Lutra lutra, Lucanus cervus, Morimus funereus, Rosalia alpina, Vertigo angustior (273); Crex crex, Picoides medius, Ciconia ciconia, Ciconia nigra, Strix uralensis, Picus canus, Ficedula albicollis, Lanius collurio, Lanius minor, Jynx torquilla (022); Lutra lutra, Cordulegaster heros, Lucanus cervus, Cerambyx cerdo, Unio crassus, Callimorpha quadripunctaria*, Lycaena dispar, Triturus carnifex, Bombina bombina, Bombina variegata (268) | Key management issues | sustainable development, developing nature friendly tourism, elaboration and implementation of management plan, elaboration and execution of different projects, networking, collaboration with local authorities, inhabitants and other stakeholders, protection of natural and cultural heritage, execution of annual events (Music Summer, Apple Festival), research, education, monitoring, publishing, target sites management - Natura 2000 high trunk orchards (birds) and Natura 2000 dry mountain meadows (orchids) |
Natura Network Agreements |
Organising at least one Green Days event per year | One event organised in 2005 |
Promoting Natura 2000 at the local level | Yes. In the N2K pre-declaration process, within the framework of so called N2K Communication Groups, there were several activities performed in order to present the idea of N2K to the local authorities and inhabitants. Mostly it was done as one of the points of Community Council meeting agenda. Further, thanks to the Interreg IIIA project, which deals with the preservation and restoration of SPA Natura 2000 site (high trunk orchards), some steps and actions - as defined in the project - were presented to the general public. This was done within the annual 1 week event, called Apple Festival. |
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership | Yes, the management plan does involve local stekeholders in an active way. First, there will be soon elaborated a new - so called General Management Plan for the entire protected area of Kozjanski Park. Second, in that management plan special emphasis will be given to the responding protection and development regimes of N2K sites within Kozjanski Park. Third, a draft of a management plan will be prepared by the team of experts of Kozjanski Park in collaboration with an independent outside counsulting agency. Next, this draft will be exposed to the other competent authorities and institutions, like Institution of Nature Protection, Institution of Forestry, Institution of Agriculture, Water management etc. in order to make the necessary corrections, additions, adjustments.... After that, now even more complete draft, it will be open to the general public - to be more precise - to the community councils. If aproved, it will be presented to the Ministry of Environment and to the Government to be adopted and later also to be proclaimed. Only then it will became a strategic document with full validity. But not to forget; it can't be proclaimed untill all the local communities don't agree with the designated regimes. |
Involved in a natural site 'Twinning' or other knowledge exchange activities between sites? | It would be overrate to claim that there is a regular exchange of working knowledge with another site - nevertheless at many occasions we were in the position to exchange the knowledge with different managers of other N2K sites or other protected areas - predominantly these managers are our partners. In case of grazing management we exchange the experience with the Naturpark Oberer Bayerischer Wald (Germany), in case of meadows management we gained from the experiences made by Naturpark Südsteirisches Weinland (Austria) and during the visit of group of environmentalists from France we had the opportunity to discuss with them about their views about managing N2K. Domestic partners were very much interested in our experiences in managing dry meadows during and after the Life project. A great support in getting an insight in N2K management represent also different workshops and seminars. Such a workshop was in Bile Karpaty (Czech Republic), where the management of old high trunk orchards was detailed elaborated - especially in the viewpoint of N2K and preservation of biodiversity. |
Are you involved in, or are you aware of examples of 'branding' of Natura 2000. For example, does your site carry the Natura 2000 logo and/or include information for visitors about Natura 2000? Are there local products, produced in or around your site that are branded as Natura 2000 products... for example, farm produce such as cheeses, beer etc. | No. Since the N2K in Slovenia is only 1,5 years old, it wouldn't be realistic to expect that different local producers will be able to recognize all the promotion and marketing potentials of N2K and that they are already interested in branding their products with Natura 2000. N2K logo is yet to be exposed and in this moment visitors would have many difficulties to find more detail information on N2K outside the Kozjanski Park's HQ. |
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador | Bernard Gorsak ( bernard.gorsak(a) ) is an NNi Ambassador. There are some ongoing activities on national and regional level in order to bring the N2K closer to the people and part of which are also Kozjanski Park and/or its representatives. Therefore we only welcome efforts going in that direction and we are prepared to contribute our share to help N2K. |
Site photos |
For further info |
Website | |
Site contact | Bernard GORSAK ( ) |