Netherlands: Haaksbergerveen

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... A representative of Staatsbosbeheer
Roy Dear
Country Netherlands
Natura 2000 site location Region of Twente, Province Overijssel
Natura 2000 site name Haaksbergerveen
Natura 2000 site number NL9801019: Buurserzand & Haaksbergerveen - site 9
Size of site (hectares) 500
Key Species types 1145 : Larch Loach
Key Habitat types 2310 : Psammofiele heathervegetation with Calluna vulgaris and Genista anglica.
7120 : Affected moor with restauration possibilities.
91 DO : Moorforests: Birchforest with mosses.
3130 : Oligotroph-mesotroph stagnant waters with Littorellion and/or Isoëto-Nanojuncetea.
4010 : North-Atlantic moist heathlandvergetation with Erica tetralix.
Key management issues Restauration of the moorvegetation habitats by means of a 'sawah'-system. Management of the moist heathervegetation by seasonal grazing (cattle) and clearing of shrubs by cutting and (seasonal) grazing with a flock of sheep.


Natura Network Agreements
Organising at least one Green Days event per year In 2004 we will have approx. 15 excursions by Staatsbosbeheer and also 30 excursions by IVN (volunteergroup) . On these excursions there is always information about NATURA 2000 .
Promoting the Natura Network Initiative (NNi) at the local level We will tell our visitors during field excursions about the fact that the site has been designated as a NATURA 2000 area. We also communicate the importance of this fact.
Site twinning and networking There is a cooperation agreement with the Biological Station at Zwillbrock (Germany), which is responsible for the management of the adjoining part of the moor on their side of the border. This area is also a Habitat-area.
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership For the reconstruction of the infrastructure for recreation we have installed a broad interest group of participants. They have reached concensus about a reconstruction plan. This plan was carried out in 2003 and benefits also the aims of Natura 2000
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Roy Dear (Staatsbosbeheer) r.dear(a) is an NNi Ambassador.


Site photos


For further info
Site contact Roy Dear (Staatsbosbeheer) r.dear(a)