Netherlands: De Borkeld

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... A representative of Staatsbosbeheer
Arie Rouwhof
Country Netherlands
Natura 2000 site location Region of Twente, Province Overijssel
Natura 2000 site name De Borkeld
Natura 2000 site number NL9801016: Borkeld - gebied 6
Size of site (hectares) 513
Key Habitat types 5130 : Juniperus communis formations in Heather or Chalk-grasslands
6230 : Species rich poor grasslands on poor soils of mountainareas (and submontane areas in Central Europe)
4010 : North-Atlantic moist heather vegetation with Erica tetralix
4030 : Dry European heather vegetation
Key management issues Management of heather and juniperus community vegetations by wood cutting. Grazing with a flock of sheep (150) during summer season. Also, keeping up a good infrastructure for the different recreational users of the site and an info-centre, run by (approx. 30) volunteers. Planning for restoration of a small moor area and renaturalisation of former agricultural used grasslands.


Natura Network Agreements
Organising at least one Green Days event per year In 2004 we will have approx. 20-25 excursions by Staatsbosbeheer and also 20 excursions by IVN (Volunteergroup). On these excursions there is always information about Natura 2000. In the (near) future we will also give information on Natura 2000 in our Info-centre 'n Witten'.
Promoting the Natura Network Initiative (NNi) at the local level We tell our visitors in our small infocentre as well on fieldexcursions about the fact that the site has been designated as a Natura 2000 area. We also communicate the importance of this fact.
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership For the reconstruction of our plan for recreation we have installed a broad interestgroup of participants. They have recently reached concensus about a reconstruction plan. This plan has to be carried out in the near future and will benefit the aims of Natura 2000.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Arie Rouwhof (Staatsbosbeheer) a.rouwhof(a) is an NNi Ambassador.


Site photos


For further info
Site contact Arie Rouwhof (Staatsbosbeheer) a.rouwhof(a)