Netherlands: National Park De Biesbosch
Site fact file |
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... | A representative of Staatsbosbeheer | |
Jacques van der Neut |
Country | Netherlands |
Natura 2000 site location | Provinces Zuid-Holland and Noord-Brabant |
Nearest urban settlement/s | Drimmelen, Werkendam, Dordrecht |
Natura 2000 site name | National Park De Biesbosch |
Natura 2000 site number | NL3000040 |
Size of site (hectares) | 8662 ha |
Key Habitat types | [3260] Submontane en laagland rivieren, [3270] Rivieren met slikoevers, [6120] Kalkminnend grasland op dorre zandbodem, [6430] Voedselrijke zoomvormende ruigten, [6510] Laaggelegen schraal hooiland, [91EO] Alluviale bossen met Alnus glutinosa en Fraxinus excelsior |
Key Species types | Zeeprik (Petromyzon marinus), Rivierprik (Lampetra planeri), Elft (Alosa alosa), Fint (Alosa fallax), Zalm (Salmon salar), Bittervoorn (Rhodeus sericeus), Grote modderkruiper (Misgumus fossilis), Kleine modderkruiper (Cobitis taenia), Rivierdonderpad (Cottus gobio), Bever (Castor fiber), Noordse woelmuis (Microtus oeconomus), Tonghaarmuts (Orthotrichum rogeri) | Key management issues | The former tidal situation [with differences up to 2 mtrs] has been changed dramatically after the Deltaworks ( 1970). There is still some tidal influence. In parts of the area there is still some willow-coppice activitiy and together with farmers a meadow nature management system is in place. One of the main projects in these years are the ecological restaoration projects ( arable land -> wetland). Another big issue is the guidance and zoning of (water-)recreation acitivities. |
Natura Network Agreements |
Organising at least one Green Days event per year | We do over a hundred activities for the people who pay a visit to the National Park De Biesbosch (e.g. guided walks or sailingtours). During these activities we also incude information about Natura 2000. |
Promoting Natura 2000 at the local level | Yes, one of these activities is promoting Natura 2000 in the permanent exhibition in our information centre. |
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership | Yes, e.g. local farmers are managing meadows and hayfields. In this way we have a close cooperation and relation with them. On the other hand we have intensive contacts with the municipalities and the Water Board. |
Involved in a natural site 'Twinning' / networking on European level for knowledge exchange? | Yes. In fact we get a lot of visits from Euopean colleagues. In September 2005 a party of the European Nature Conference visited the National Park The Biesbosch. Other organisations like the Water Board Authority come regularly during the fieldcourse Wetland Management. The Biesbosch NP is intending to cooperate more closely with the NP Danube Delta, NP Neusiedler See and Fertö-Hanság Nemzeti Park (Hungary). We are also involved in the European Spoonbill Workshop. |
Branding Natura 2000 | In the information centra we sell for example "Biesbosch"-honey. Negotiations are on the way for selling "eco-meat". |
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador | Jacques van der Neut j.neut(a) is as NNi Ambassador |
Site photos |
For further info |
Website | |
Site contact | Jacques van der Neut j.neut(a) |