France: Forêt de Moulière - Landes du Pinail - Bois du Défens, du Fou et de la Roche de Bran
Site fact file |
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... | Representative of "LPO Vienne (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux délégation Vienne) 389 avenue de Nantes - F86000 POITIERS - 33.(0)" | |
Thierry Dubois |
Country | France |
Natura 2000 site location | Poitou-Charentes |
Nearest urban settlement | Poitiers |
Official site name/s | Forêt de Moulière - Landes du Pinail - Bois du Défens, du Fou et de la Roche de Bran |
Unofficial but locally accepted name/s for the site | Forêt de Moulière - Pinail |
Natura 2000 site number | FR5410014 (ZPS) + FR5400453 (SIC) |
Site description / classification | ZPS/SPA + SIC/SCI |
Size of site (hectares) | 8,123 ha + 926 ha |
Key Species types | Bondrée apivore (Pernis apivorus) A072 |
Milan noir (Milvus migrans) A073 | |
Circaète Jean-le-Blanc (Circaetus gallicus) A080 | |
Busard Saint-Martin (Circus cyaneus) A082 | |
Busard cendré (Circus pygargus) A084 | |
Œdicnème criard (Burhinus oedicnemus) A133 | |
Engoulevent d'Europe (Caprimulgus europaeus) A224 | |
Pic noir (Dryocopus martius) A236 | |
Pic mar (Dendrocopus medius) A238 | |
Alouette lulu (Lullula arborea) A246 | |
Fauvette pitchou (Sylvia undata) A302 | |
Pie-grièche écorcheur (Lanius collurio) A338 | |
Ecrevisse à pieds blancs (Austropotamobius pallipes) 1092 | |
Leucorrhine à gros thorax (Leucorrhinia pectoralis) 1042 | |
Agrion de Mercure (Coenagrion mercuriale) 1044 | |
Lucane cerf-volant (Lucanus cervus) 1083 | |
Triton crêté (Triturus cristatus) 1166 | |
Key Habitat types | Eaux stagnantes, oligotrophes à mésotrophes avec végétation des Littorelletea uniflorae et/ou des Isoeto-Nanojuncetea 3130 |
Lacs eutrophes naturels avec végétation du Magnopotamion ou de l'Hydrocharition 3150 | |
Lacs et mares dystrophes naturels 3160 | |
Landes humides atlantiques tempérées à Erica tetralix 4020 | |
Landes sèches subatlantiques à Calluna et Genista 4030 | |
Formations herbeuses à Nardus, riches en espèces, sur substrats siliceux des zones montagnardes (et des zones submontagnardes) de l'Europe continentale 6230 | |
Prairies à Molinie sur sol calcaire, tourbeux ou argilo-limoneux (Molinion caerulaea) 6410 | |
Tourbières hautes actives 7110 | |
Dépressions sur substrats tourbeux du Rhynchosporion 7150 | |
Tourbières basses alcalines 7230 | |
Key management issues | "Main
management issues: Moulière-Pinail Natura 2000 site" (PDF, 120.3 kb)
"Principaux enjeux de gestion du site Natura 2000 Moulière - Pinail" (PDF, 116.4 kb) |
Natura Network Agreements |
Organising at least one Green Days event per year | The Pinail site supports numerous "Green Days" aiming at sensibilising partners to the Heathland's high biological value (as well as historical and cultural values) together with its necessary specifically adapted management. Such days are organised for students groups, National Forestry Office technical teams, regional representants of Ministry of the Environment, Regional Centre of Forest Property. |
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership | "A
Natura 2000 management plan and its partners" (PDF, 676.5 kb)
Un document d'objectives et des partenaires pour la sauvegarde des brandes" (PDF, 689.5 kb) |
Promoting Natura 2000 at the local level | Outside the traditionnal french Natura 2000 site's Local Steering Committee, Natura 2000's promotion is mainly aiming at local and surrounding populations through different tools and techniques : from the most traditionnal "information evenings", a superb and specifically dedicated colourful leaflet, medias and newspapers inserts, information letters (irregular), to a most didactic sonorized slide-show (also available on video), and finally a magnifiscent book "Moulières, the stones' forest"... all of which are dedicated to carry out to everyone the message of the essential role of Moulière-Pinail's Forest in the constitution of Natura 2000 network. |
Branding Natura 2000 | Traditionnal "information evenings", a superb and specifically dedicated colourful leaflet, medias and newspapers inserts, information letters (irregular), to a most didactic sonorized slide-show (also available on video), and finally a magnifiscent book "Moulières, the stones' forest"... all of which are dedicated to carry out to everyone the message of the essential role of Moulière-Pinail's Forest in the constitution of Natura 2000 network. |
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador | Agricultural ingeneer, Thierry Dubois has been working in nature conservation for 15 years, on highly anthropised territories. After Africa (village territories restoration for populations facing Cotton plantations invasion), and then Auvergne ( give back the river Allier its freedom of lateral movement), its activities now focus on 5 Natura 2000 sites in Vienne Department (Poitou-Charentes region). He is in charge of coordinating the elaboration of each of the 5 Natura 2000 "documents d'objectifs" (territorial management plans), and their implementation by the mean of Natura 2000 management agreements and information and public awareness operations. As part of his activities within LPO-Vienne, he accepts to become a Natura 2000 ambassador. |
For further info |
Websites | |
Site contact | Thierry Dubois (LPO Vienne) vienne(a) |