France: Vallées de la Loire et de ses affluents
Site fact file |
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... | Representative of Chambre d'Agriculture du Maine-et-Loire | |
Odile Chancerelle |
Country | France |
Natura 2000 site location | Maine-et-Loire |
Nearest urban settlement | Angers |
Official site name/s | Vallées de la Loire et de ses affluents |
Unofficial but locally accepted name/s for the site | Basses Vallées Angevines et vallée de la Loire |
Natura 2000 site number | Basses Vallées Angevines: pSIC FR520063 ZPS: FR5210115 - Vallée de la Loire pSIC: FR5200622 et FR5200629 |
Site description / classification | "Wet meadows are still well preserved, with a remarquable diversity of vegetation associations following soil moisture degree. Th meadows conservation is very satisfactory thanks to agri-environmental measures which permetted to resist to land abandonment and replacement of meadows by wood production (poplars). The site also consists of an interesting diversity of aquatic and humid groupments. It is a vast complex of alluvial wetlands on 3 valleys : Mayenne, Sarthe & Loir, the whole of it consisting of large surfaces of alluvial mesophilous meadows. It also presents an important landscape interest, being located at the door of the very big town Angers." |
Size of site (hectares) | Basses Vallées Angevines: 9,330ha + Vallée de la Loire: 19,457ha (total= 28,787ha) |
Key Species types | Agrion de Mercure (Coenagrion mercuriale) - 1044 |
Gomphe serpentin (Ophiogomphus cecilia ) - 1037 | |
Rosalie des Alpes (Rosalia alpina) - 1087 | |
Pique prune (Osmoderma eremita) - 1084 | |
Lucane cerf-volant (Lucanus cervus) - 1083 | |
Grand Capricorne (Cerambix cerdo) - 1088 | |
Alose feinte (Alosa fallax) - 1103 | |
Grande Alose (Alosa alosa) - 1102 | |
Bouvière (Rhodeus sericeus amarus) - 1134 | |
Lamproie marine (Petromyzon marinus) - 1095 | |
Castor d'Europe (Castor fiber) - 1337 | |
Triton crêté (Triturus cristatus) - 1166 | |
Moule de rivière (Unio crassus) - 1032 | |
Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) - 1106 | |
Marsilée à quatre feuilles (Marsilea quadrifolia) - 1428 | |
Angélique des estiaires (Angelica heterocarpa) - 1607 | |
Key Habitat types | Basses Vallées Angevines : |
Prairies maigres de fauche de basse altitude - 6510 = 30 % | |
Eaux oligo-mésotrophes calcaires avec végétation benthique à Chara spp. - 3140 = 5 % | |
Mégaphorbiaies hygrophiles d'ourlets planitiaires et des étages montagnard à alpin - 6430 = 5 % | |
Forêts alluviales à Alnus glutinosa et Fraxinus excelsior - 91E0 5 % | |
Lacs eutrophes naturels avec végétation du Magnopotamion ou Hydrocharition - 3150 2 % | |
Vallée de la Loire : | |
pelouse calcaire basiphile 6110 | |
pelouse sèche semi-naturelle et faciès d'embuissonnement sur calcaire 6210 | |
Lande sèche européenne 4030 | |
Roche siliceuse avec végétation pionnière 8230 | |
Pente siliceuse avec végétation chasmophytique 8220 | |
Forêt alluviale à Aulne et frênes 91EO | |
Mégaphorbiaie hygrophile d'ourlet planitiaire (forme estuarienne) 6430 | |
Rivière à berge vaseuse avec végétation du Chenopodion et Bidention 3270 | |
Eau stagnante oligotrophe à mésotrophe et végétation annuelle des rives exondées 3130 | |
Prairies maigres de fauche de basse altitude - 6510 | |
Prairies à molinie sur sols calcaires, tourbeux ou argilo-limoneux 6410 | |
Lacs eutrophes naturels avec végétation du Magnopotamion ou Hydrocharition - 3150 | |
Eaux oligo-mésotrophes calcaires avec végétation benthique à Chara spp. - 3140 | |
Rivières des étages planitiaires à montagnards 3260 | |
Key management issues | Préservation du milieu prairial. Préservation du réseau bocager (frênes). Maintien de l'ouverture du milieu : zone d'expansion des crues. |
Natura Network Agreements |
Organising at least one Green Days event per year | "The main sensibilisation / information / environmental formation actions & events which are being organized around this project, are as follows : - Participating to a diversity of Forums to present the project and its getting on. - Project presentation in a documentary movie ""De l'eau dans les vallées"" (""Water in the valleys) from Laurent Joffrion (2004). - Diverse participations in local or day events : ""beef grill"", degustations, meetings with the public ..." |
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership | The « Farmer and the Bird » project (PDF, 205.9 kb) |
Promoting Natura 2000 at the local level | "No spécific Natura 2000 promoting actions exist. However, all actions/events are occasion to promote the project and mention Natura 2000, the project taking place on a Natura 2000 site and aimind both at preserving a Specie of Europeen interest, and the farming techniques that will be the garanty of it. The most recent pormoting operation (june 2005) concerns ""The Farmer & the Bird"" project presentation as part of a preparatory practicing session (14-28/06/05) of the international Symposium ""ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION & DEVELOPMENT OF A SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE"" (20-24/06-05) at the Superior School of Agriculture. This practising session, through which a diversity of agriculture development types will be discussed, concerns mainly agrciculture collegues from francophonous Africa & Quebec, working on environment & sustainable agriculture." |
Involved in European networking / Twinned with other site for knowledge exchange | "*
The approach of « The farmer and the Bird » project is often mentioned as
being a precursor, and that explains why there are so many contacts with
regional ou foreigners groups that try to economically promote some kind
of agricultural product having a strong link with the territory and the
environment, such as :
These exchanges reinforce the recognizing of the work undertaken by the farmers, abnd the relations established between the different partners. * Specific Working relations were established with...
These partners have just organised for instance, a first ""Rendez-Vous of the Valleys"" to present the results of this experience and from observations on different themes (meadows, biodiversity, hedges meat production ...)" |
Branding Natura 2000 | "A
trade mark « The farmer and the Bird » was created through this project,
and was first commercialised in august 2001. It has the originality to show
the strong link that bonds the work of a Farmer and its actions towards
the environment/the survival of a menaced species.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador | Odile Chancerelle (Chambre d'Agriculture du Maine-et-Loire) odile.chancerelle(a) is an NNi Ambassador. |
Site photos |
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For further info |
Websites | | | | | |
Site contact | Odile Chancerelle (Chambre d'Agriculture du Maine-et-Loire) odile.chancerelle(a) |