Estonia: Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... A representative of LKÜ Kotkas (NGO "Eagle")
Oetjen Robert
Country Estonia
Natura 2000 site location Tartu county
Nearest urban settlement Tartu
Natura 2000 site name Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve
Natura 2000 site number pending
Size of site (hectares) 31,100 ha
Key Habitat types "Natura 2000 elupaigad 7110, 7140, 7230, 9080, 4205, 6450, 3260, 91F0, 91E0, 9010,
raised bogs, fens, natural rivers, alluvial forests, flood-plain meadows, etc."
Key Species types Gallinago media, Haliaeetus albacilla, Aquila clanga, Aquila chrysaetos, Crex crex, Canis lupus, Lutra lutra, Dendrocopos leucotos, Ursos arctus, Myotis dasycneme
Key management issues Management of floodplain graaslands via mowing on over 1000 ha., monitoring and surveillance over key spawning grounds for fish, regulation of movement in sensitive areas, development of tourism facilities, etc.


Natura Network Agreements
Organising at least one Green Days event per year Many events have been held to promote conservation and sustainable lifestyle, including volunteer camps for management of river floodplain grasslands and wooded meadows, nature camps for students, etc.
Promoting Natura 2000 at the local level Info days at county level explaining the importance and consequences of Natura 2000 to the local population, articles in the national and county level press (newspaper and radio).
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership Yes, a management plan has been developed for the area and has been presented at local meetings, info days, etc. A new management plan will be developed for the period 2007-2013.
Involved in a natural site 'Twinning' / networking / knowledge exchange at the European level? There is exchange of experience with other wetland areas in Estonia, especially concerning the management of grassland areas, also with Swedish protected areas (for example Lake Hornborga) regarding visitor facilities (hiking trails, bird-watching towers, nature schools). There is much potential and interest for more exchange concerning wetland management, tourism, nature education and other issues.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Oetjen Robert robert(a) is an NNi Ambassador


Site photos


For further info
Site contact Oetjen Robert robert(a)