Denmark: Klinteskoven

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... A representative of Danish Forest and Nature Agency
Hans Christian Gravesen
Country Denmark
Natura 2000 site location The Isle of Moen
Natura 2000 site name Klinteskoven
Natura 2000 site number H150/F90
Size of site (hectares) 1,000 ha
Key Habitat types 1230, 3140, 3150, 5130, 6120, 6210, 6230, 7220, 7230, 9130, 9150, 91E0
Key Species types Falco Peregrinus
Pernis Apivorus
Sylvia Nisoria
Lanius Collurio
Vertigo Moulinsiana
Triturus Cristatus Cristatus
Key management issues

The site can be described in three parts:

1) The coastline with the white cliffs. About 250.000 tourists are visiting the site per year, so one issue is to manage the Natura 2000-site and the turism in a sustainable way.

2) The forest is the most important site for the habitat 9150 in Denmark. Therefore it is an important issue to keep or even increase the area of this habitat.

3) The chalk grassland is the most important site for the habitat 6210 in Denmark, including lots of wild orcids. The issue here is to manage the site to restore the biotope.


Natura Network Agreements
Organising at least one Green Days event per year At least one Green Day at this site in 2006
Promoting Natura 2000 at the local level Making contact to each stakeholder before arriving there property. Also promote the Natura 2000 issue at meetings for forest-stakeholders.
Involving stakeholders in the management planning process Before private forests are registered we invite stakeholders to meetings (1-40 stakeholders per time), and inform them of the Natura 2000 process. After the national Natura 2000 plan is finished in 2009, the Danish Forest and Nature Agency will negotiate with each stakeholder, to make an agreement of managing the Natura 2000 habitats and species.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Hans Christian Gravesen hcg(a) is an NNi Ambassador


Site photos


For further info
Site contact  Hans Christian Gravesen hcg(a)