Ambassador profile
Name: | Chris Marsh | |
Function: | Conservation Forester (Fort Augustus Forest District) | |
Country: | United Kingdom | |
E-mail: | chris.marsh(at) | |
Tel: | +44 (0) 13203 66322 | |
Organisation profile
Organisation: | Forestry Commission Scotland (Forest Enterprise Scotland) | |
www: | | |
E-mail: |
Tel: | +44 (0) 84536 73787 | |
Established: | Before 1945 | |
Category: | State Forest Service | |
Number of staff: | 952 |
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Site profile | |||
Site name: |
Kinloch and Kyleakin Hills |
Location: |
Isle of Skye, Scotland |
Land area: |
5,267 ha |
Nearest urban settlement: |
Kyleakin |
Natura 2000 ID: |
UK 003 0176 |
www: |
Currently no stand alone website. Forestry Commission website hosts details of forest walks and wildlife/woodland interest at site locations: Kinloch and Kylerhea. |
Annual visitor count: |
Approx. 30,000 |
Majority of visitors from: |
50/50 split between local (year-round) walkers and summer tourists. |
Site description: |
An extensive coastal and upland site on Torridonian sandstone. The lower slopes contain many fragmented areas of rocky woodland and wooded ravines varying from acidic oak-birch Quercus-Betula woodland, to base-rich ash-hazel Fraxinus excelsior-Corylus avellana woodland with a herb-rich ground flora. Several of the component woods support a very rich bryophyte flora, both as epiphytes and on block scree within the wood, with an internationally important representation of oceanic species, especially in ravines deeply cut into the sandstone. The woods are also important for epiphytic lichens, with good examples of oceanic communities. A complex mosaic of heath, mire and bog habitats occupies the large central (upland) area of the site and plays host to a similarly characteristic, yet rich, range of oceanic lower plant assemblages (mosses, liverworts and lichens). |
All species | |||
Species code | Latin name | Common / local name | |
1355 | Lutra lutra | Otter | |
All habitats (* indicates priority habitats) | ||
Habitat code | Common / local name | |
4010 | Northern Atlantic Wet Heath with Erica tetralix | |
4030 | European dry heaths | |
4060 | Alpine & Boreal Heaths | |
7130 | Blanket bogs | |
9180* | Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines | |
Stakeholder profile | |||||
Stakeholder activity in the management planning process: | |||||
Stakeholder group | activity level | ||||
hi ← → nil | |||||
Local Government | |||||
Central Government | |||||
Scientists | |||||
Private landowners | |||||
Green NGOs | |||||
Private sector | |||||
Private individuals | |||||
Foresters | |||||
Farmers | |||||
Port authorities | |||||
Anglers | |||||
Hunters | |||||
Recreational groups | |||||
Stakeholder success stories | |
Local Primary School Tree Nurseries FCS established links with 4 local schools, trained some parents as 'mentors' to oversee pupils visiting the site's woodlands, gathering tree seed (acorns & hazelnuts), sowing and growing these seed in school ground tree nurseries and then planting these trees back on the site. |
Set up Kinloch Hills Local Liaison Group A mix of neighbouring residents, landowners, community groups, council rangers and local environmental NGOs - who meet quarterly with Forestry Commission staff to discuss site and management issues, opportunities for local input/activities, notification of forthcoming events, forest operations etc. |
'Aig an Oir' environmental arts project. The site was one of three west-coast Scotland areas that hosted an eighteen month Atlantic Oakwoods arts project in 2005/6. Local galleries & artists, members of the public, schools, special needs groups and tourists took part in a range of drawing/painting workshops, master classes, open days and exhibitions set in and around the site's oak woods through a partnership between the Society of Wildlife Artists and Forestry Commission Scotland. |
Photo credit: Cailean Maclean, Chris Marsh, Bruce Talbot. |
Communication profile | |
Activities and products for the communication of Natura 2000
Events | |
Event frequency | |
Use of seasonal workers / volunteers | |
Kind of work / volunteering opportunities | |
The organisation has a dedicated communication strategy for Natura 2000 | |
Site involved in joint working / networking | |
Key site management issues: | |
Integration of Natura 2000 in overall site management: | |
Relevant Habitat and Species Action Plans are integrated into the site's Forest Design Plan (FDP). FDPs are the Forestry Commission's key site management documents - outlining management objectives and stipulating actions/management prescriptions in 5-yearly intervals for (at least) the next twenty years. The FDP therefore sets the context for site management and - in particular - serves as a reference document during the planning and implementation of forest operations upon the site.
Key site management objectives: | |
A programme of non-native afforestation for timber production over a thirty year period (prior to the site's SSSI or Natura designations) had prioritised management on the successful establishment of these crops. Native woodland remnants and open ground habitats outwith these new afforested zones typically suffered adverse deer browsing pressure which in turn suppressed the ability for these habitats to regenerate and therefore perpetuate themselves.
Stakeholders targeted as part of management action: | |
Key external funding is provided by BP through the Scottish Forest Alliance ( which brings this project into partnership with nine similar projects on FCS, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and Woodland Trust Scotland sites. BP and these host organisations therefore communicate and meet to share experiences, ideas and best practice whenever possible and where mutually relevant. Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) have provided additional funding to the Restoration Project for biodiversity monitoring and interpretation. As a consequence, local SNH staff collaborate in management planning, in local liaison activities and in an advisory capacity when required.
Description of work carried out / methods and methodology: | |
Results of action and activities: | |
The over-arching Scottish Forest Alliance partnership has allowed a greater level of transparency between this Project and the management styles/objectives employed by the other SFA partners: RSPB, WTS and BP. New native woodland planting is still ongoing (two final planting phases: 2008 & 2009). The Local Liaison group continues to provide an effective method of maintaining community engagement with local stakeholders. The review of the site's Interpretive Strategy will hopefully bear out this engagement - successfully marrying the sensitive management of Natura habitats with a local desire for environmental and cultural heritage interpretation, recreation and ecotourism development.
Indication of budget allocation for these tasks: | |
£906,000 (approx. Euros 1,300,000) for the implementation phase (2001-2010)
Financial overview | |
Organisational budget for nature conservation (annual): | |
£3.6 million (approx. Euros 5,160,000 million)
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