Ambassador profile
Name: | Bernard Gorsak | |
Function: | Environmentalist, Head of Nature Protection Department | |
Country: | Slovenia | |
E-mail: | bernard.gorsak(at) | |
Tel: | +38 63800 7114 | |
Organisation profile
Organisation: | Kozjanski Park | |
www: | | |
E-mail: | Kozjanski-park(at) | |
Tel: | +38 63800 7104 | |
Established: | 1970-1990 | |
Category: | Governmental institution | |
Number of staff: | 18 |
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Site profile | |||
Site name: | Kozjanski Park | ||
Location: | All sites are situated in the Easten part of Slovenia | ||
Land area: |
Nearest urban settlement: | Brezice, Krsko, Podcetrtek | ||
Natura 2000 ID: |
www: | | ||
Annual visitor count: | All Natura 2000 sites within the Park receive between 5-10,000 visitors | ||
Majority of visitors from: | Domestic visitors: Kozjanski Park is part of the National Science Days Programme, which aims to provide the opportunity of on-site education for pupils and students from local and regional etablishments. Foreign visitors come from Austria, Croatia, Italy ... |
Site description: |
All species | |||
Species code | Latin name | Common / local name | |
pSCI Bohor: | |||
Cucujus cinnaberinus | ||
1087 | Rosalia alpina | Alpski kozlicek | |
1089 | Morimus funereus | Bukov kozlicek | |
1093 | Austropotamobius torrentium | Navadni koscak | |
pSCI Dobrava-Jovsi: | |||
Triturus carnifex | Veliki pupek | |
1188 | Bombina bombina | Nizinski urh | |
1193 | Bombina variegata | Hribski urh | |
1032 | Unio crassus | Navadni skrzek | |
1060 | Lycaena dispar | Mocvirski cekincek | |
1078 | Callimorpha quadripunctaria | Crtasti medvedek | |
1083 | Lucanus cervus | Rogac | |
1088 | Cerambyx cerdo | Hrastov kozlicek | |
4046 | Cordulegaster heros | Veliki studencar | |
1355 | Lutra lutra | Vidra | |
SPA Kozjansko-Jovsi: | |||
Ciconia ciconia | Crna storklja | |
A113 | Coturnix coturnix | Prepelica | |
A122 | Crex crex | Kosec | |
A233 | Jynx torquilla | Vijeglavka | |
A234 | Picus canus | Pivka | |
A238 | Dendrocopus medius | Srednji detel | |
A246 | Lullula arborea | Hribski skrjanec | |
A274 | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | pogorelcek | |
A290 | Locustella naevia | kobilicar | |
A295 | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Bicja trstnica | |
A321 | Ficedula albicollis | Belovrati muhar | |
A338 | Lanius colurio | Rjavi srakoper | |
pSCI Orlica: | |||
Vertigo angustior | Ozki vretenec | |
1083 | Lucanus cervus | Rogac | |
1087 | Rosalia alpina | Alpski kozlicek | |
1089 | Morimus funereus | Bukov kozlicek | |
1303 | Rhinolopus hipposideros | Mali podkovnjak | |
1355 | Lutra lutra | Vidra | |
All habitats (* indicates priority habitats) | ||
Habitat code | Common / local name | |
pSCI Bohor: | ||
Fagus sylvatica (Aremonio-Fagion) | |
9110 | Luzulo-Fagetum | |
6510 | Alopecurus pratensis, sanguisorba officinalis | |
6410 | Molinia ssp., Molinion caeruleae | |
6210 | Festuco Brometalia* | |
pSCI Dobrava-Jovsi: | ||
Erythronio-Carpinion | |
91KO | Fagus sylvatica (Aremonio-Fagion) | |
9110 | Luzulo-Fagetum | |
pSCI Orlica: | ||
Fagus sylvatica (Aremonio-Fagion) | |
9110 | Luzulo-Fagetum | |
8210 | Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophyts | |
6210 | Festuco Brometalia* | |
pSCI Putisekova polsna: | ||
Fagus sylvatica (Aremonio-Fagion) | |
9110 | Luzulo-Fagetum | |
8310 | Caves not open to public | |
Stakeholder profile | |||||
Stakeholder activity in the management planning process: | |||||
Stakeholder group | activity level | ||||
hi ← → nil | |||||
Local Government | |||||
Central Government | |||||
Scientists | |||||
Private landowners | |||||
Green NGOs | |||||
Private sector | |||||
Private individuals | |||||
Foresters | |||||
Farmers | |||||
Anglers | |||||
Hunters | |||||
Recreational groups | |||||
Stakeholder success stories | |
Kozjanski Park Management Plan Elaboration of the (general) Management Plan of Kozjanski Park that includes management on Natura 2000 sites. The Management Plan was presented to and evaluated together with many stakeholders. |
Ongoing project of meadow orchards restoration This habitat is a vital part of the Special Protected Areas (SPA) as a living place for many Natura 2000 birds. With many ongoing activities (part of them executed and financed within the Interreg IIIA Programme) the average awareness about the significance of this habitat increased. |
Life project Mountain dry meadows management and restoration is a good example of successful stakeholder (landowners/managers) involvement. For three years this communication was rather good, however it decreased after the project finished. |
Photo credit: Kozjanski Park |
Communication profile | |
Activities and products for the communication of Natura 2000
Events | |
Event frequency | |
Use of seasonal workers / volunteers | |
Communication literature produced | |
Communication target groups | |
The organisation has a dedicated communication strategy for Natura 2000 | |
Description of communication strategy | |
The communication materials are produced | |
Site involved in joint working / networking | |
Key site management issues: | |
Integration of Natura 2000 in overall site management: | |
Natura 2000 covers 67% of the total protected area; it is composed of 5 Natura 2000 sites: 4 pSCI and 1 SPA. Management with Natura 2000 forests is in the hands of the Public Institute of Forestry. The management with meadow orchards and meadows is also the responsibility of the Public Institute of Agriculture. The overall responsibility of Natura 2000 sites is also divided within the Public Institute of Nature Conservation, which supervises the overall compliance with Natura 2000 provisions of a particular Natura 2000 manager. The Management Plan of Kozjanski Park (in particular where it defines the management of Natura 2000 sites) must be in accordance (synchronized) with all these authorities.
Key site management objectives: | |
The main objective is to assure the long-term and regular maintenance of meadow orchards. In the past these meadows were a common component of almost every farm. Beside nourishment they also provided a very important living place for many plant and animal species. At the same time they contributed to the typical regional rural landscape. Due to very convenient abiotic conditions (climate, relief …) these orchards were widely spread but later extensively demolished.
Stakeholders targeted as part of management action: | |
Description of work carried out / methods and methodology: | |
The methods carried out were:
Results of action and activities: | |
There are no formal agreements reached between the Park and the landowners – the landowners may sell their products freely at the annual Apple Fair. There is agreement between the Park and Advisory Service within the working frame of Interreg IIIA Meadow orchard restoration project: in this agreement each action and obligation is carefully defined (nursing and parent orchard, publications, presentation, promotion and public awareness campaign …).
Indication of budget allocation for these tasks: | |
Within Interreg IIIA project about € 150.000. The Park also makes an investment in this project (by working hours, assistance, consulting, Public Relations…) in the range of € 10.000 annually and about € 15.000 in the annual Apple Fair.
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