Ambassador profile
Name: | pela Habic | |
Function: | Forest management assistant | |
Country: | Slovenia | |
E-mail: | spela.habic(at) | |
Tel: | +38 6 (0) 57000 618 | |
Organisation profile
Organisation: | Slovenia Forest Service | |
www: | | |
E-mail: | zgs.tajnistvo(at) | |
Tel: | +38 6 (0) 14700 050 | |
Established: | 1990-2005 | |
Category: | Governmental Organisation | |
Number of staff: | Whole organization = 750; Regional unit = 58 |
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Site profile | |||
Site name: | Javorniki-Snenik and Snenik-Pivka (Javorniki-Snenik) | ||
Location: | Dinaric Alps - SW Slovenia | ||
Land area: | 49,140 ha | ||
Nearest urban settlement: | Postojna, Pivka, Ilirska Bistrica, Cerknica, Stari trg | ||
Natura 2000 ID: |
www: | None | ||
Annual visitor count: | 20,000 | ||
Majority of visitors from: | Local, Slovenia, Italy | ||
Site description: |
Main part of the site is Dinaric high karts plateau with highest peak Snenik (1796 m a.s.l.) rising above timber line. Forests are covering 86% of the area, beech and mixed fir-beech forest prevail. On the west lie Pivka valley with dry grasslands and intermediate karst lakes. The whole area is one of the biodiversity hot spots of Slovenia.
All species | |||
Species code | Latin name | Common / local name | |
A223 | Aegolius funereus | koconogi cuk | |
A412 | Alectoris graeca saxatilis | kotorna | |
A255 | Anthus campestris | rjava cipa | |
A091 | Aquila chrysaetos | planinski orel | |
A104 | Bonasa bonasia | gozdni jereb | |
A215 | Bubo bubo | velika uharica | |
A224 | Caprimulgus europaeus | podhujka / leetrudnik | |
A080 | Circaetus gallicus | kacar | |
A113 | Coturnix coturnix | prepelica | |
A122 | Crex crex | kosec | |
A103 | Falco peregrinus | sokol selec | |
A078 | Gyps fulvus | beloglavi jastreb | |
A338 | Lanius collurio | rjavi srakoper | |
A246 | Lullula arborea | hribski krjanec | |
A280 | Monitcoal saxatilis | slegur | |
A072 | Pernis apivorus | srenar | |
A241 | Picoides tridactilus | triprsti detel | |
A234 | Picus canus | pivka / siva olna | |
A275 | Saxicola rubetra | repaljcica | |
A220 | Strix uralensis | kozaca / uralska sova | |
A307 | Sylvia nisoria | pisana penica | |
A108 | Tetrao urogallus | divji petelin | |
A232 | Upupa epops | smrdokavra | |
V_4089 | Arabis scopoliana | Scopolijev repnjak | |
V_1308 | Barbastella barbastellus | irokouhi/mulasti netopir | |
V_1078 | Callimorpha quadripunctaria* | crtasti medvedek* | |
V_1352 | Canis lupus* | volk* | |
V_4072 | Cerastium dinaricum | dinarska smiljka | |
V_1065 | Euphydryas aurinia | travniki postavne | |
V_4019 | Leptodirus hochenwarti | drobnovratnik | |
V_1060 | Lycaena dispar | mocvirski cekincek | |
V_1361 | Lynx lynx | navadni ris | |
V_1059 | Maculinea teleius | stranicin mravljicar | |
V_1089 | Morimus funereus | bukov kozlicek | |
V_1321 | Myotis emarginatus | vejcati netopir | |
V_1186 | Proteus anguinus* | cloveka ribica* | |
V_1087 | Rosalia alpina* | alpski kozlicek * | |
V_1354 | Ursus arctos* | rjavi medved* | |
V_1303 | Rhinolophus hipposideros | mali podkovnjak | |
V_1167 | Triturus carnifex | veliki pupek | |
V_1014 | Vertigo angustior | ozki vretenec | |
All habitats (* indicates priority habitats) | ||
Habitat code | Common / local name | |
3180 * | Turloughs | |
3260 | Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation | |
4070 * | Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum (Mugo-Rhododendretum hirsuti) | |
5130 | Juniperus communis formations on heaths or calcareous grasslands | |
6170 | Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands | |
62A0 | Eastern sub-Mediterraneandry grasslands (Scorzoneratalia villosae) | |
6430 | Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels | |
8120 | Calcareous and calchist screes of the montane to alpine levels (Thlaspietea rotundifolii) | |
8210 | Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation | |
8310 | Caves not open to the public | |
9180 * | Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines | |
91K0 | Illyrian Fagus sylvatica forests (Aremonio-Fagion) | |
9410 | Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Picetea) | |
Stakeholder profile | |||||
Stakeholder activity in the management planning process: | |||||
Stakeholder group | activity level | ||||
hi ← → nil | |||||
Local Government | |||||
Central Government | |||||
Scientists | |||||
Private landowners | |||||
Green NGOs | |||||
Private sector | |||||
Private individuals | |||||
Foresters | |||||
Farmers | |||||
Port authorities | |||||
Anglers | |||||
Hunters | |||||
Recreational groups | |||||
Stakeholder success stories | |
Public lectures about Natura 2000 and Life project In cooperation with the regional Museum of Notranjska, several public lectures were organized presenting Natura 2000 sites and the Life project "Natura 2000 in Slovenia". Both were also presented at some experts meetings held in Notranjska region, elsewhere in Slovenia and abroad. |
Placing 10 information boards on the field about Natura 2000 site - action of the project
Photo credit: pela Habic |
Communication profile | |
Activities and products for the communication of Natura 2000
Events | |
Event frequency | |
Use of seasonal workers / volunteers | |
Communication literature produced | |
Communication target groups | |
The organisation has a dedicated communication strategy for Natura 2000 | |
Description of communication strategy | |
10 information boards were placed in the field with descriptions of the most interesting/endangered habitats and species. A brochure was produced with similar information.
The communication materials are produced | |
Site involved in joint working / networking | |
Details of joint working / networking activity | |
Key site management issues: | |
Management of Natura 2000 sites in Slovenia was a key issue of the project Life-Natura 2000 in Slovenia Management models and information system. It was agreed that management should be incorporated into sector management (e.g. agriculture, forestry, hunting, water management..) which already exist (more or less). As a test site for the project, Javorniki-Snenik, an existing forest management plan was supplemented with Natura 2000 issues - as an example.
Integration of Natura 2000 in overall site management: | |
One of the project activities was the elaboration of the management plan of the test site Javorniki-Snenik. Since the joint management for agricultural land does not exist some guidelines and measures were proposed to achieve goals for species and habitats on meadows and grassland. It was established that it is very difficult for such vast and heterogeneous Natura 2000 sites to ensure favourable conservations status only through integration into management of sectors.
Key site management objectives: | |
The forestry sector (i.e. Slovenian Forest Service) was engaged to search for possibilities to incorporate the management of Natura 2000 sites into existing forest management plans which could become management plans for forests in Natura 2000 sites/habitats/species. Although Slovenian forestry has very exhaustive information system for all lasting already few decades, there is a lack of data on some species and habitats in forests. The legislation should be adapted, an information system as well as monitoring system should be adapted to Natura 2000 sites/habitats/species.
Stakeholders targeted as part of management action: | |
Description of work carried out / methods and methodology: | |
At several workshops and meetings of partners the key issues of the management plan for the test site were discussed. The objectives, guidelines and measures were defined. It was very important to determine the management zones inside the test site due to the high number of species and habitats of community interest.
Results of action and activities: | |
All partners agreed that cooperation is necessary to achieve better results on management of Natura 2000 sites. Integration of Natura 2000 issues into existing forestry and hunting management is possible and the most reasonable and cost efficient way. Due to the lack of management in the agricultural sector, a different approach is necessary. Project contributed to basis of new legislation on Natura 2000 management in Slovenia.
Financial overview | |
Organisational budget for nature conservation (annual): | |
No budget
Budget reserved for communication: | |
No numbers available
European funding: | |
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