Ambassador profile
Name: | Christamaria Kugge | |
Function: | Natura 2000 official | |
Country: | Germany | |
E-mail: | Christamaria.Kugge(at) | |
Tel: | +49 33201 442 467 | |
Organisation profile
Organisation: | Landesumweltamt Brandenburg (Brandenburg State Office for Environment) | |
www: | | |
E-mail: | infoline(at)lua.brandenburg(dot)de | |
Tel: | +49 33201 4420 | |
Established: | 1990-2005 | |
Category: | Governmental Organisation | |
Number of staff: | - |
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Site profile | |||
Site name: | Oberes Rhinluch | ||
Location: | Eastern Germany; about 60 km west of Berlin | ||
Land area: | approximately 2,780 ha | ||
Nearest urban settlement: | Fehrbellin (Linum), Kremmen | ||
Natura 2000 ID: |
The site contains an SCI (DE 3243-301; 'Oberes Rhinluch') and a pSCI (DE 3243-303; 'Oberes Rhinluch Ergänzung'). Both of them are part of a much bigger SPA: DE 3242-421 ('Rhin-Havelluch'). |
www: |
Annual visitor count: | No numbers available | ||
Majority of visitors from: | Berlin | ||
Site description: | The
site was originally almost inaccessible fen and wetland. From 1786 to
1882 it was subject to intensive peat exploitation and during the 20th
century it was shaped by the development and intensive agriculture.
Today the fenland is mainly used as non-intensive grassland. Apart from
fen/grassland, the site consists of a few smaller woodland areas, a
pond landscape of approximately 250 ha (the ‘Linum fish ponds’,
a remnant of former peat cutting), a lake of approximately 250 ha (‘Buetzsee’)
and parts of a River system (‘Rhin’) which is frequented
by medium-sized motorboats, mostly for recreational purposes.
All species | |||
Species code | Latin name | Common / local name | |
1014 | Vertigo angustior | Narrow-mouthed whorl snail / Schmale Windelschnecke | |
1016 | Vertigo moulinsiana | Desmoulin's whorl snail / Bauchige Windelschnecke | |
1145 | Misgurnus fossilis | Weather loach / Schlammpeitzger | |
1149 | Cobitis taenia | Spined loach / Steinbeißer | |
1166 | Triturus cristatus | Great crested newt / Kammmolch | |
1188 | Bombina bombina | Fire-bellied toad / Rotbauchunke | |
1337 | Castor fiber | Beaver / Biber | |
1355 | Lutra lutra | Otter / Fischotter | |
All habitats (* indicates priority habitats) | ||
Habitat code | Common / local name | |
7210* | Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae | |
91D1* | Bog woodland (Sphagnum birch woods) | |
91E0* | Alluvial forests
with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion,
Alnion incanae, Salicion alvae) |
3150 | Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion and Hydrocharition-type vegetation | |
3260 | Water courses of plain levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation | |
6410 | Molinia meadows on calcareous and peaty soils (Molinion caeruleae) | |
6430 | Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains | |
Stakeholder profile | |||||
Stakeholder activity in the management planning process: | |||||
Stakeholder group | activity level | ||||
hi ← → nil | |||||
Local Government | |||||
Central Government | |||||
Scientists | |||||
Private landowners | |||||
Green NGOs | |||||
Private sector | |||||
Private individuals | |||||
Foresters | |||||
Farmers | |||||
Anglers | |||||
Hunters | |||||
Recreational groups | |||||
Stakeholder success stories | |
Pond management Important conservation
measures for the pond management include the maintenance of a high water
level in fall season in order to provide shallow water areas as night
roosts for resting cranes (overnight populations
of regularly up to 50,000 individuals). |
Reconstruction of Rhin waterway
Photo credit: Jana Albrecht, Bruno D'Amicis, Ekkehard Hinke, Christamaria Kugge and Henrik Watzke. |
Communication profile | |
Activities and products for the communication of Natura 2000
Events | |
Event frequency | |
Use of seasonal workers / volunteers | |
Kind of work / volunteering opportunities | |
Communication literature produced | |
Communication target groups | |
The organisation has a dedicated communication strategy for Natura 2000 | |
Description of communication strategy | |
The communication activities on and for the site benefit from the variety of organizations involved in the management of the site. The following is a selection of activities by some of the organizations mentioned above (see site description):
Other site-related publications by various authors include:
The communication materials are produced | |
Site involved in joint working / networking | |
Details of joint working / networking activity | |
Key site management issues: | |
Integration of Natura 2000 in overall site management: | |
The part of site management described in this profile particularly focuses on the implementation of Natura 2000. Special emphasis is placed on the conservation objectives and necessary conservation measures as outlined above.
Key site management objectives: | |
The main focus of the process of drawing up the state ordinance is to ensure that the conservation objectives for the site are being met.
The aim of the process is to create a state ordinance which is supposed to contain appropriate measures and restrictions for different areas of land use, as there are agriculture, fishery, forestry etc. and appropriate prohibitions or restrictions of plans or projects which would affect the integrity of the site. At the same time, for all restrictions on land use which are beyond the social responsibility of the land owners appropriate funding or financing opportunities have to be provided.
Stakeholders targeted as part of management action: | |
Description of work carried out / methods and methodology: | |
In order to establish
the conservation objectives various scientific surveys were commissioned
or carried out by employees of the Landesumweltamt. Furthermore, existing
data as well as existing plans and projects concerning the site were
examined and the current situation of land use was evaluated (e.g. proportion
of farmers who already practice non-intensive grassland management,
extensification measures applied by them etc.). Methods included:
Results of action and activities: | |
Based on the conservation objectives and scientific
and expert knowledge, a draft of the ordinance containing conservation
measures and necessary restrictions was compiled.
Indication of budget allocation for these tasks: | |
The process described in this management profile is for the most part financed by the budget of the state of Brandenburg. There is no particular budget allocated to the site itself. For the funding of measures and restrictions on land use see financial profile.
Financial overview | |
Organisational budget for nature conservation (annual): | |
No numbers available
Budget reserved for communication: | |
No numbers available
European funding: | |
Farmers of the site will presumably be eligible for funding from the EAFRD (in German: ELER). For example, funding opportunities outlined in Article 38 of the Council Regulation No 1698/2005 will be applicable to restrictions to fertilization of the grasslands.
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