Ambassador profile
Name: | Viera Horáková | |
Function: | Botanist | |
Country: | Czech Republic | |
E-mail: | vhorakova(at)krnap(dot)cz | |
Tel: | +42 (0) 49945 6225 | |
Organisation profile
Organisation: | Krkonose National Park Administration, Dep. Nature Conservation | |
www: | | |
E-mail: | podatelna(at)krnap(dot)cz | |
Tel: | +42 (0) 49945 6111 | |
Established: | 17/05/1963 | |
Category: | National Park | |
Number of staff: | The entire organisation of National Park Administration has about 350 employees, the Department of Nature Conservation has 20 employees (1 employee for Natura 2000). |
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Site profile | |||
Site name: | Krkonose, in English: the Giant Mountains | ||
Location: | Geographical location: Eastern Bohemia, 50 dg. 54‘N, 15 dg. 30‘E. The Giant Mountains belongs to biotic province 2.32.12. | ||
Land area: | 54,979.60 ha | ||
Nearest urban settlement: | Vrchlabí to south, Harrachov and Rokytnice nad Jizerou to west, Pec pod Snezkou to east. | ||
Natura 2000 ID: | SPA - CZ0521009, SCI - CZ 0524044 | ||
www: | Czech version:, the English version is in preparation. | ||
Annual visitor count: | About 5 million visitors | ||
Majority of visitors from: | Most of visitors come from Germany, Poland, Holland, Russia. | ||
Site description: | The Giant Mountains are located northeast of Bohemia and they create a natural mountain border between Bohemia and Poland. The Giant Mountains are the highest range in the Czech Republic (the highest point is Snezka – 1602 m a.s.l.). Forests cover more than 80% of the area of the Giant Mountains. The rest of the area is covered by meadows, wetlands and flower-rich mountains, meadows of the montane belt, natural alpine grasslands and subarctic wetlands of the summit plateaux, vegetation on siliceous rocky slopes, tall herb alpine meadows and shrubs vegetation of the avalanche slopes of the glacial cirques and lichen tundra and boreal heaths of the highest peaks. |
All species | |||
Species code | Latin name | Common / local name | |
4069 | Campanula bohemica * | Zvonek cesky | |
2217 | Pedicularis sudetica* | Vsivec krkonossky pravy | |
4113 | Galium sudeticum * | Svízel sudetsky | |
4094 | Gentianella bohemica * | Horecek cesky | |
1163 | Cottus gobio | Vranka obecná | |
1318 | Myotis dasycneme | Netopyr pobrezní | |
Ciconia nigra | Cáp cerny | ||
Dryocopus martius | Datel cerny | ||
Crex crex | Chrástal polní | ||
Ficedula parva | Lejsek maly | ||
Luscinia svecica svecica | Slavík modrácek tundrovy | ||
Aegolius funereus | Syc rousny | ||
Tetrao tetrix | Tetrívek obecny | ||
All habitats (* indicates priority habitats) | ||
Habitat code | Common / local name | |
4070* | Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum (Mugo-Rhododendretum hirsuti) | |
6230* | Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas (and submountain areas, in continental Europe) | |
7110* | Active raised bogs | |
91D0* | Bog woodland | |
91E0* | Mixed ash-alder alluvial forests of temperate and Boreal Europe (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) | |
9180* | Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines | |
4030 | European dry heats | |
4060 | Alpine and boreal heaths | |
4080 | Sub-Arctic willow scrub | |
6510 | Extensive hay meadows of the plain to submontane levels (Arrhenatherion Brachypodio-Centaureion nemoralis) | |
6520 | Mountain hay meadows | |
6150 | Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands | |
6430 | Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels | |
7140 | Transition mires and quaking bogs | |
8110 | Siliceous scree of the montane to snow levels (Androsacetalia alpinae and Galeopsietalia ladani) | |
8220 | Chasmophytic vegetation on siliceous rocky slopes | |
9110 | Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests | |
9130 | Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests | |
9140 | Medio-European subalpine beech woods (with Acer and Rumex arifolius) | |
9410 | Acidophilous spruce forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea) | |
8310 | Caves not open to public | |
Stakeholder profile | |||||
Stakeholder activity in the management planning process: | |||||
Stakeholder group | activity level | ||||
hi ← → nil | |||||
Local Government | |||||
Central Government | |||||
Scientists | |||||
Private landowners | |||||
Green NGOs | |||||
Private sector | |||||
Private individuals | |||||
Private foresters | |||||
Farmers | |||||
Recreational groups | |||||
Stakeholder success stories | |
Agro-environmental Aids Farmers within our
SPA and SCI have joined the Agro-environmental Aids with different specializations.
Financial support comes from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural
Development (EAFRD).
Sustainable management of mountain rich-species meadows Another possibility used by farmers, owners of small piece lands (e.g. meadows around house) and others is “Sustainable management of mountain rich-species meadows”. In general, mowing and grazing are used in order to keep the meadows in a desirable condition. Our organisation chooses suitable areas within SCI Krkonose and provides all agenda for people using this support. Financial support comes from an annual budget of the organisation allocated by the Ministry of Environment. |
Photo credit: Karel Hnik, Vaclav Horak, Viera Horakova, Irena Spatenkova, Jan Vanek. |
Communication profile | |
Activities and products for the communication of Natura 2000
Events | |
Event frequency | |
Use of seasonal workers / volunteers | |
Communication literature produced | |
Communication target groups | |
The organisation has a dedicated communication strategy for Natura 2000 | |
Site involved in joint working / networking | |
Key site management issues: | |
Integration of Natura 2000 in overall site management: | |
The introduction of the Natura 2000 program was the first step in the implementation on the area of Krkonose in 2004. From 2005 we prepared data for new agricultural support for farmers. A third of farmers are successfully involved from 2007. We started with monitoring of habitats (2007), plant species (2006) and bird species (2004). On the areas of SPA and SCI Krkonose we joined the Branding of local products in Natura 2000 sites.
Key site management objectives: | |
Stakeholders targeted as part of management action: | |
Description of work carried out / methods and methodology: | |
Results of action and activities: | |
In the framework
of new forest management, foresters started with addition of autochthonous
tree species. In this was they increase forest ecosystem stability.
Our plan is continuing through:
Indication of budget allocation for these tasks: | |
Budget allocated to individual projects is part of the annual budget of the Krkonose National Park Administration and it is usually planned one year ahead.
Financial overview | |
Organisational budget for nature conservation (annual): | |
Year 2007
Money for habitat management is allocated by the Ministry of Environment within the total annual budget of the National Park. We do not get any special budget for Natura 2000 sites.
Budget reserved for communication: | |
European funding: | |
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